Two young Belgian women tourists were run over and killed while offering aid at the scene of an accident just outside Rome Saturday night.
The women, aged 24 and 25, were on a motorway link road for the
A24 at Tor Cervara when a car driven by a 40-year-old Italian
man smashed into them, killing them instantly, police said.
The man fled across fields but was caught by police.
He has been placed under investigation on suspicion of vehicular
The victims, Jessy Dewildeman and Wibe Bijls, had arrived in
Italy a week previously and had rented a Fiat panda which they
were due to hand back on Sunday before their flight back to
They stopped on the link road late on Saturday evening to assist
the three Italian victims of a car crash, two men and a woman,
police said.
They were hit by the man in his speeding Smart, police said.
Autopsy results will be available in the coming days, police
Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri said "Rome is one with the grief of
the families for this awful tragedy".