A weather red alert has been called in four areas of Emilia-Romagna Thursday as storms racked the northern regions Wednesday leaving at least two dead and causing huge damage with flooding.
For Thursday, the Civil Protection department has issued a red
alert for 'hydraulic risk' (flooding), not thunderstorms, in
four areas of Emilia-Romagna: the plains of the Reno river and
its tributaries, the hills of Bologna, the Romagna coast and the
low hills and plains of Romagna.
There is an orange alert, again for hydraulic risk, on the
Secchia and Panaro plains of Modena, the Bolognese mountains,
the high hills of Romagna and the Romagna mountains. Another
orange alert, but for hydrogeological risk, is in force on the
central Emilian mountains, the central Emilian hills, the
Bolognese hills, the Bolognese mountains, and the high hills and
the mountains of Romagna.