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Italy has asserted its role in NATO says Meloni

Italy has asserted its role in NATO says Meloni

No one is safe without the unity of the Alliance adds premier

ROME, 12 July 2023, 21:16

Redazione ANSA




Italy has affirmed its role within NATO and supports the changes currently underway within the alliance, said Premier Giorgia Meloni at the end of the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Wednesday.
    However, she told reporters it has also called for more attention to be given to its southern flank.
    "Italy supports NATO's ongoing adjustments as confirmed by the important contributions made on its eastern flank and in the Mediterranean," said Meloni.
    "We have asserted our role in the Alliance and the attention that must be given to the eastern flank, but we have also asked for more attention to be given to the southern flank," she added.
    Meloni also insisted that no one is safe without the unity of the Atlantic Alliance.
    "In this increasingly uncertain world, this summit has succeeded in reaffirming one of our certainties during this period: that none of us are safe without the unity of the Atlantic Alliance and the determination to defend the values and rules of international law," said the premier.
    "Defending the rules of international law is the best way to defend our citizens," she added.
    Meloni also congratulated NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on his "firm and balanced leadership".
    "I want to congratulate Secretary Stoltenberg on the extension of his mandate, which speaks to the exceptional nature of the moment but also to a firm and balanced leadership," Meloni told reporters.
    On July 4 the the 31-nation military alliance decided to extend the former Norwegian prime minister's tenure by a further year until October 1, 2024 as Russia's war of aggression continues to rage in Ukraine.
    On Ukraine, Meloni said "important steps" had been taken for its future entry into NATO.
    "The path to accession has been streamlined," she said, adding however that it had also been reiterated that Ukraine will join NATO only "when conditions allow".
    The Italian premier told reporters she had had bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the summit.
    Meloni said she had met "with (Turkish President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan, with whom I talked about the Mediterranean, energy, migration and peace. I talked with (British Prime Minister Rishi) Sunak, with (US President Joe) Biden, who invited me to the White House next July 27".


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