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Pozzolo referred to FdI arbitrators, suspended - Meloni

Pozzolo referred to FdI arbitrators, suspended - Meloni

'Independently of investigations into gunshot case'

ROME, 04 January 2024, 13:12

Redazione ANSA




Premier Giorgia Meloni said on Thursday she had asked for a lawmaker of her Brothers of Italy (FdI) to be referred to party arbitrators and suspended in relation to a shot that was allegedly fired accidentally from a gun he was carrying after a New year's eve party on Monday morning and which injured a man in the leg.
    "I have asked that (Emanuele) Pozzolo be referred to FdI's board of arbitrators independently of the investigations being carried out by the competent authority and that he be suspended from the party pending judgement," Meloni told reporters during her end-of-year press conference in Rome.
    Pozzolo, 38, has been placed under investigation for grievous bodily harm after a bullet grazed the thigh of the 31-year-old son-in-law of the bodyguard of FDI Justice Undersecretary Andrea Delmastro, also at the party, although he claims he did not fire it.
    He took a gunshot residue test the day after the incident, whose result has yet to be made public.
    Pozzolo used his parliamentary immunity to refuse the confiscation of his clothing.
    There have been opposition calls for Pozzolo to resign or for Meloni to fire him.
    "On the leadership class of my party, there is always someone you don't expect and they make mistakes or do wrong things," the premier told reporters.
    "But I am not prepared to live this life if people around me do not feel responsibility," she continued.
    "Because of the responsibility we have, and I feel that responsibility, I intend to be very strict," said Meloni.
    Pozzolo has in the past posted on social media photos of Mussolini, and said he is a "reactionary" who is in favour of "defending ourselves with firearms".
    Later Wednesday police said they were proceeding to confiscate another six firearms owned by Pozzolo.


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