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Smog skyrocketing in Emilia, pm10 over twice the limit

Smog skyrocketing in Emilia, pm10 over twice the limit

Piacenza, Modena peaks of 119 and 111 micrograms, threshold 50

ROME, 20 February 2024, 14:14

ANSA English Desk




Smog indicators are spiking in the heart of the Po Valley, according to local environmental officials Tuesday, echoing their counterparts in Lombardy.
    In Emilia, levels of pm10 particulate matter, which also includes pm2.5 dust, were recorded at over twice the daily threshold indicated by law, which is 50 micrograms per cubic metre.
    For ten days out of the last 14, this limit was exceeded by far in the Piacenza area, with a peak of 119 Monday, and in the Modena area, with a maximum of 111 on Saturday.
    Piacenza's 119 micrograms is the highest value recorded since the beginning of the year in the region.
    Modena, on the other hand, already has 29 daily overruns of the limit, very close to the threshold of 35 annual overruns indicated by the EU.


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