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Siena Duomo baptismal font back to original glory

Siena Duomo baptismal font back to original glory

Early 15th C masterpiece by Donatello, Ghiberti, others

ROME, 25 June 2024, 17:36

ANSA English Desk

Siena, torna a risplendere il fonte battesimale del Duomo - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Siena, torna a risplendere il fonte battesimale del Duomo - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The early Renaissance baptismal font in Siena's Duomo cathedral is back to its original glory after a three-year restoration, art officials said Tuesday.
    The font is a masterpiece in marble, gilded bronze and enamelled copper crafted by early 15th century star artists and sculptors including Donatello, Jacopo della Quercia, Lorenzo Ghiberti and Giovanni di Turino.
    "The restoration, funded by the Opera della Metropolitana of Siena, is the fruit of a real and concrete synergy between the Fabbriceria, the archaeologocal, arts heritage and landscape superintendency for Siena, Grosseto and Arezzo, and Florence's Opificio delle Pietre Dure, to which the lead in this restoration was entrusted," said a note from the Opera della Metropolitana.
    "The intervention was coordinated by art historians Laura Speranza and Riccardo Gennaioli, respectively directors of the bronze materials and stone materials sectors."


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