The municipality of Portici near
Naples has set up a road sign on its seafront promenade urging
passersby to stop and kiss.
'Portici Romantic City' reads the sign with an arrow bidding to
'stop and kiss' with the image of locking lips surrounded by
five hearts.
Municipal councillor Dario Formicola and Maria Rosaria Cirillo,
members of the administration headed by Mayor Vincenzo Cuomo,
had the idea.
The sign is surrounded by bed flowers and has as background the
Gulf of Naples - a romantic corner dedicated to couples of all
ages, said Formicola.
"I had the idea one evening when I stopped to look at the sun
setting over our beautiful promenade and thought - we should put
up a beautiful sign here", he noted
Stressing how that specific landscape of Portici has inspired
painters like Giuseppe De Nittis and Marco De Gregorio, the
councillor said "a kiss is the most beautiful gesture between
two people in love - love starts, is renewed and confirmed with
a kiss".