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93 migrants land on Lampedusa

93 migrants land on Lampedusa

325 people staying at local hotspot

ROME, 03 September 2024, 17:09

ANSA English Desk



A reported 93 migrants on Tuesday landed on Lampedusa where the local hotspot is currently hosting 325 people.
    A group of 23 people, including Egyptians, Pakistanis, Eritreans, Ethiopians and Somalis, were first apprehended by Carabinieri police in the Sicilian island's Imbriacola district where the local migrant facility is located.
    The migrants told security officials they were going to the hotspot after reaching the island on a seven-metre-long boat that had departed from Sabratha, in Libya, which police didn't find. Before them at dawn a coast guard cutter blocked two boats carrying respectively 52 Tunisians and 18 Libyans, Syrians and Sudanese.
    The 93 new arrivals were taken to the migrant hotspot which is currently hosting 325 people.
    The prefecture of Agrigento, in Sicily, ordered the transfer of 221 guests who will be taken by ferry to Porto Empedocle, in Sicily.
    An additional 161 guests will depart overnight.
    Meanwhile, 15 Syrians who were rescued by Carabinieri police on the rocks of the nearby island of Linosa, were taken to Lampedusa.
    The group, including two minors and three women, said they had departed from Zuwara, Libya, with a six-metre-long boat, which was not found by security officials.


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