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Italians to spend 2.3 bn for NYE dinner

Italians to spend 2.3 bn for NYE dinner

In 100 mn increase from 2023 says study

ROME, 31 December 2024, 11:43

ANSA English Desk



Italians will be spending an estimated 2.3 billion euros for their New Year's Eve celebratory dinner, an additional 100 million compared to last year and 350 million more than NYE meals before the Covid pandemic, according to a survey published by the research centre of cooperatives' confederation Confcooperative ahead of Tuesday night.
    "The culinary marathon of Italians dealing with the second big dinner in a week", after Christmas Eve celebrations last Tuesday, continues with a parsimonious approach that doesn't overlook "tradition and quality at the table", said Confcooperative in a note.
    The increase in spending is due to the rising coast of life, as well as to a rise in Christmas bonuses - up from 49 billion last year to 51.3 billion in 2024 - and to the record number of people in employment in Italy this year, said Confcooperative.
    The confederation, however, also reported "strong discontent in the impoverished middle class" and recalled that an estimated 10 million people live in absolute or relative poverty and will not be able to afford a proper celebration.
    Overall, one in two Italians will be ringing in the new year at home with family and friends while three in 10 will be celebrating on holiday and two in 10 will enjoy a meal organized by a restaurant or a hotel, the survey said.
    Meanwhile another poll carried out by the Ixè institute for farmers' association Coldiretti said Italians will be spending on average 97 euros for their New Year's Eve dinner and also found that about 51% will celebrate at home, 28% at a friend's or family member's house and 19% at a restaurant, among others.
    At dinner, lentils will reign supreme for good luck and prosperity on 83% of tables, followed by the traditional ham hock and fish, said Coldiretti.
    NYE dinner will cost on average 112 euros in the South, 104 euros in the Centre, 100 euros on the islands, 86 euros in the North-West and 84 euros in the North-East.
    Coldiretti's survey also reported a generational gap in spending with youths between the ages of 18 and 34 shelling out on average 111 euros for their celebratory dinner against the 70 euros of those over 64.


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