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Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

Progressive militarization of urban fabric says Petrelli

ROME, 31 December 2024, 16:01

ANSA English Desk



The head of Italy's criminal lawyers association told ANSA Tuesday that the governments new red zones at crowded nightlife central areas in major cities over the New Year and beyond posed a potential threat to personal liberties.
    "The safety of cities must be protected and promoted, but the strategies adopted in this area must escape the logic of pure communication and illiberal developments," said the president of the Italian Criminal Chambers, Francesco Petrelli.
    "The establishment of red zones is instead a manifesto initiative of dubious utility for the safety of citizens and of dubious legitimacy that risks determining dangerous compressions for the rights of freedom of the person in a security key and instead of increasing more efficient and widespread forms of control of the territories by the police forces, it imposes a sort of progressive militarization of the urban fabric".
    Italy is setting up 'red zones' in major cities to bar dangerous individuals, starting in Florence and Bologna and running in Milan from New year's Eve until the end of March, the interior ministry said Monday.
    The Viminale said Minister Matteo Piantedosi has sent a directive to prefects to underline the importance of identifying, with specific ordinances, urban areas where the presence of dangerous individuals or those with criminal records can be banned and their removal can be ordered.
    The Viminale has indicated, also in view of New Year's Eve, the measures for railway stations and surrounding areas, but also drug dealing areas and other urban areas, such as nightlife areas, characterized by a high concentration of people.


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