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Pets' ashes to be buried with their owners in Milan

Pets' ashes to be buried with their owners in Milan

No inscription, but photo, on tombstone, 'an act of civility'

ROME, 02 January 2025, 16:38

ANSA English Desk



Milan city council on Thursday applied a 2022 regional ordinance allowing pets' ashes to be buried with those of their owners.
    By the wills of the deceased or heirs, dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish, turtles, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets and all other animals kept for company or pleasure, explains Palazzo Marino, "without productive, work or food purposes", can now be buried in Milan's cemeteries next to their owners.
    On the tombstone of the artifact or family tomb, any inscription referring to the pet and the placement of images depicting it on the grave are, however, prohibited.
    But a photograph of the deceased with his or her pet is allowed.
    The main condition, provided by the Regional Law, is that the pet must be buried together with or after the burial of its owner, in the same artifact or family tomb.
    Any relocation of the deceased owner of the pet will also involve the relocation of the pet's ashes and, in the event that the new destination cannot accommodate both, the pet's ashes must be collected by the deceased's relatives or by whoever requested the transfer.
    "The burial of pets in city cemeteries - says the councilor for Civic Services Gaia Romani - is an act of civility that many were waiting for".


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