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Go back to being housewives man tells fellow councillors

Go back to being housewives man tells fellow councillors

It's not a demeaning job says Silvio Viale

ROME, 14 January 2025, 16:09

ANSA English Desk



A Turin city councillor has caused a stir by telling female colleagues who were criticising him to go back to being housewives.
    Radicals +Europe local pol Silvio Viale, who is under investigation for alleged sexual molestation in his day job as a gynaecologist, reportedly told them: "If the aspect of personal antipathy prevails over the political one you have chosen the wrong job, go back to your neighbourhoods to be housewives".
    Asked to apologise by the council chair, Viale reportedly answered: "my wife is proudly a housewife, being a housewife is not a title of demerit".
    The case was reported by La Stampa and Corriere della Sera, among others.
    As well as the allege molestation, Viale has gained headlines for his flamboyant and controversial behaviour.


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