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EU requests review of investments in semiconductors, AI

EU requests review of investments in semiconductors, AI

27 member States to evaluate risks for economic security

ROME, 16 January 2025, 15:22

ANSA English Desk



A few days after Washington's crackdown on artificial intelligence (AI) chips' exports, the European Commission has published a recommendation urging European Union member States to revise outbound investments of their companies into non-EU countries.
    The recommendation, the European executive said, applies to three technological areas of strategic importance and at higher risk: semiconductors, artificial intelligence and quantum technologies.
    Member States were requested to evaluate the risks for economic security potentially deriving from such transactions.
    The review of outbound investments will help decide if further action is necessary, at a European and/or national level, to deal with the selected risks.
    The ultimate objective of the Commission, the executive said, is to avoid for investments outside the EU to have a negative impact on European economic security, guaranteeing that key technologies and know-how don't end up in the wrong hands.
    The European Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security Maroš Šefčovič said the EU is and will remain among the leaders in offering and attracting global investments.
    However, said the commissioner, today's geopolitical situation requires more in-depth understanding of "the potential risks it can carry".
    The review will last 15 months and will concern both ongoing and past transactions, starting from January 2021.
    The Recommendation on outbound investments builds on a White Paper and subsequent public consultation, which confirmed the need to assess potential risks to the EU's security related to outbound investments.
    It forms part of the EU's Economic Security Strategy, together with ongoing work on inbound foreign direct investment screening.


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