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Judicial reform takes away guarantees of all Italians - ANM

Judicial reform takes away guarantees of all Italians - ANM

'Separation of career paths hinders judiciary's independence'

ROME, 16 January 2025, 17:12

ANSA English Desk



The judiciary's union, the National Association of Magistrates (ANM), on Thursday expressed concern over a constitutional reform bill it said hinders the autonomy and independence of magistrates after the Lower House gave its first green light to the draft measure.
    "We reiterate our deep concern for a constitutional reform that puts at risk the autonomy and the independence of the judiciary", the ANM said in a note, after the Lower House voted in favour of the bill with 174 votes in favour, 92 against and five abstentions.
    The constitutional reform bill, which separates the career paths of judges and prosecutors, will need two votes in both houses of parliament before final approval and could be subjected to a referendum.
    The judiciary's union said the reforms is "wrong" as it "does not improve in any way the service of the judiciary but only acts on magistrates and takes away the guarantees of all Italians.
    "The separation of careers determines of the isolation of prosecutors and mortifies their function as guarantors", said the note, referring to the fact that, under the current system, State attorneys need to provide all the evidence in their possession to the defence, including exculpatory evidence.
    "While respecting the choices of legislators, we want to sound the alarm, once again, on the risks that this reform will entail", ANM concluded in the note


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