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John Elkan to join Meta board of directors

John Elkan to join Meta board of directors

I am honoured says Exor's CEO

ROME, 07 January 2025, 09:38

ANSA English Desk



Meta has announced that John Elkann, Dana White and Charlie Songhurst have been elected to the company's board of directors.
    "I am honoured to be able to contribute to the future of one of the most significant companies of the 21st century", said Elkann, CEO of Exor, after the announcement late on Monday.
    "I look forward to bringing my global experience and long-term perspective to the board as Meta continues to shape and push the next frontiers of innovation and technology." Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that, "Dana, John and Charlie will add a depth of expertise and perspective that will help us tackle the massive opportunities ahead with artificial intelligence, wearables and the future of human connection".
    Announcing Elkann's election to the board, Meta stressed, among other things, Elkann's role as CEO of Exor, "one of the largest European investment companies, controlled by the Agnelli family", whose portfolio includes companies in which it is the largest or reference shareholder, such as Ferrari, Stellantis, CNH, Philips, Christian Louboutin, Juventus Football Club and The Economist Group, among others.
    Dana White serves as President and CEO of UFC, the "world's leading mixed martial arts organization, and one of the most valuable and globally popular properties in all of sports".
    Charlie Songhurst is an investor in tech companies, with investments today in over 500 startups at a global level.
    Meta's current board members, in addition to the founder Mark Zuckerberg, now include Peggy Alford, Marc L. Andreessen, John Arnold, John Elkann, Drew Houston, Nancy Killefer, Robert M.
    Kimmitt, Charlie Songhurst; Hock E. Tan, Tracey T. Travis, Dana White, Tony Xu.


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