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  2. English
  3. Expo 2015
  4. Nobel Laureate Sen signs Milan Charter

Nobel Laureate Sen signs Milan Charter

'Hunger is a wide-ranging problem, right to food needed'

(ANSA) - Milan, May 14 - Indian economist and Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen on Thursday signed the Expo-lined Milan Charter at the opening of conference on sustainable agriculture, nutrition and food security.
    "Hunger is not derived solely from the lack of food, but it is above all an economic, political, cultural and health care problem", Sen said in a speech that focused on world hunger and famine issues.
    "There needs to be broader vision on the problem of the right to food, and this should be one of the key points New Development Agenda with which the UN will define new goals of the millennium", the economist said.
    Sen joins prominent individuals, associations, and companies in endorsing the Milan Charter, which has the stated objective of "strongly requesting that governments and international institutions adopt rules and policies at both a national and global level that ensure a fairer and more sustainable future for the planet".
    The Charter will be developed over the six months of Milan Expo 2015 before being presented to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during his visit to Expo scheduled for October.


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