A court on Thursday sentenced a man to life in prison and his accomplice to 24 years for the 2013 murder of their employer.
Macedonian national Donald Sabanov, 26, and co-defendant
Karim Bari, a 26-year-old Moroccan-Italian, were found guilty of
shooting to death 51-year-old Andrea Ferri, owner of several
petrol pumps in Pesaro province, in order to steal the key to
his safe.
Sabanov was also sentenced to spend one year in solitary
confinement, and the court awarded the victim's family one and a
half million euros in damages.
The courtroom packed with the victim's relatives, friends
and employees broke into applause when the verdict was read.
"We received justice," said Ferri's widow, Simona.
"Huge thanks to the prosecutors for their hard work".
The victim's brother Michele Ferri said "at last we will
no longer have to see the indifferent eyes of Sabanov, who has
never showed the least remorse. This is a liberation that makes
us cry".