A huge pro-life billboard has caused
a stir in Rome.
Democratic Party municipal councillor Giulia Tempesta said
the 250 square metre billboard against abortion in Via Tiburtina
"is a shameful offence for all women, and the rights conquered
after years of civil battles".
The Pro-Life and Pro-Family association said they had put up
the billboard after a victory at the high court.
The billboard shows an 11-week foetus and is captioned "Dear
Greta (Thunberg) if you want to save the planet, let's save man
cubs. #Ichooselife".
Another two similar billboards were put up in Rome Tuesday,
in the Portuense district and on Via Cristoforo Colombo, said
the CitizenGo Foundation, among the promoters of the recent
Family Day and World Congress of Families in Verona.