A 75-year-old homeless man who froze to death at a Milan rail station last week had assets in the bank as well as a decent monthly pension, Corriere della sera newspaper reported Wednesday.
Umberto Quintino Diaco disappeared from his Calabrian mountain
home at the age of 17, and went on to work in Munich, Italy's
biggest selling daily said.
"He decided to become a ghost forever", family members said.
It is not known exactly how he made his money.
But at the time of his deth he had over 100,000 euros in his
bank account along with 19,000 euros in stocks and shares, as
well as enjoying a monthly pension, from his job in Munich, of
750 euros, the Milan-based daily said.
He also owned a house in Calabria and two vans, with their
insurance fully paid up.
When he was found dead in his makeshift bed at Milan's Porta
Garibaldi train station Thursday he had 1,235 euros in cash on
His sister Chiarina told Corriere "we looked for him but he
never wanted to be found".
Diaco's assets were found at Catholic charity Caritas's post
box, the only service he used despite insistent requests by aid
workers to get more help and get off the streets.