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Kabul airlift steps up pace, another 400 arriving today

Kabul airlift steps up pace, another 400 arriving today

Italy evacuating Afghans at risk of Taliban reprisals

ROME, 19 August 2021, 12:09

Redazione ANSA




Italy will bring back some 400 more Afghans threatened with Taliban reprisals from Afghanistan Thursday as an airlift from Kabul steps up pace.
    Some 20 Afghan former assistants to Italy's 20-year mission in the Asian country were airlifted out Monday and a further 200 followed on Tuesday and Wednesday.
    An Italian air force C130 left Kabul Thursday morning with 99 Afghan citizens aboard.
    Another C130 had left during the night carrying 95 Afghans.
    All of them will transfer to KC767s in Kuwait to be flown t Rome.
    Meanwhile in Kabul Taliban checkpoints are stopping Afghans from reaching the airport.
    US soldiers control the airport but all the roads leading to it are under the control of the Islamist militants.
    Twelve people have died since Sunday at the airport.
    Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio conferred on the phone with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken overnight and reiterated the importance of acting with the utmost unity, prioritising respect and safeguards for human rights.
    The officials agreed that the US and Italy will work closely on the evacuation of Afghans and may set up joint flights.


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