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Climate crisis putting the heat on Italy's cities - report

Climate crisis putting the heat on Italy's cities - report

Heat waves, flooding have increased, set to rise further - CMCC

ROME, 21 September 2021, 15:46

Redazione ANSA




The climate crisis is causing huge problems for Italy's big cities and the issue is set to get worse, according to a new report released on Tuesday.
    The study on the impact of global warming on six Italian cities - Bologna, Milan, Naples, Rome, Turin and Venice - by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) said heat waves and floods have increased significantly and are expected to grow further.
    It added that this is having consequences on people's health, on mortality and in terms of episodes of hydro-geological instability.
    It said, for example, that Naples has had 50 more days of intense heat a year in recent decades compared with at the turn of the century.
    Milan has had 30 more days of intense heat, Turin 29 and Rome 28.
    It said the water level in Venice has increased by over 30cm in the last 150 years and the critical threshold for flooding has been surpassed 40 times in the last 10 years.
    It forecast that flooding will become more frequent and intense in Bologna too.
    The report is the first integrated analysis of climate risk in Italy, the CMCC said.
    It said that temperatures have risen in the last 30 years and continue to rise in all cities and that all scenarios show increasing risks for heat waves and urban floods.
    It added that, despite their differences, the scenarios for all the cities show that adaptation strategies can reduce the magnitude of negative impacts, especially for heat wave mortality.


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