(see related) Emilia Romagna Governor Stefano Bonaccini said on Thursday several billion euros would be needed to address the damage caused by the torrential rainfall and flooding in the northern region.
"The extent of the devastation caused by the bad weather is comparable to another earthquake: the damage will be quantitatively smaller, but it will be a few billion euros," Bonnaccini of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) told Rai 3.
"We will rebuild everything as for the earthquake," continued
Bonaccini, referring to the 2012 earthquakes that claimed 27
lives and caused massive devastation in the region.
"We have told the government that we need a lot of resources,
but also expeditious regulations," said the governor.
"There is a need for a special commissioner, provisions for
workers, to extend deadlines, mortgage installments, a lot of
investment. Unfortunately, we have a lot of experience in this
area," he continued, adding that the institutions need to be
"obsessed" with supporting people.
Meanwhile farmers' association Coldiretti said Thursday over
5,000 farms with greenhouses, nurseries and stables and tens of
thousands of hectares of vineyards, fruit orchards and arable
land as well as agricultural product processing facilities were
under water.