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Culture minister gets flak over Musk-Zuckerberg fight

Culture minister gets flak over Musk-Zuckerberg fight

Some things should not be for sale says Calenda

ROME, 11 August 2023, 18:01

Redazione ANSA




(see related) The government came under fire from some quarters after Elon Musk said Friday that it had agreed for his proposed fight with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to take place at an "epic location" in Italy, with Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano getting much of the flak.
    "I find it simply incredible that Italy's cultural heritage is being put at the disposal of two billionaire's who want to belt each other like idiotic adolescents," said Carlo Calenda, the leader of the centrist, opposition Azione party, via Twitter.
    "Forget about love for the fatherland and respect for its history.
    "And it's not a question of how much they are paying.
    "There are things that are simply not up for sale".
    Matteo Orfini of the opposition centre-left Democrartic Party also blasted Sangiuliano for going along with the idea, especially after he criticized this week's Travis Scott's show at Rome's Circus Maximus, the city's ancient chariot-racing stadium.
    "So Minister Sangiuliano says concerts at Circus Maximus are not OK (because there's dancing), but the clown act of two billionaire's fighting is an instrument of promotion for our heritage," Orfini said in a Twitter post "It's a somewhat curious idea of culture".


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