(see related) Shabbar Abbas, a Pakistani man who is accused of murdering his 18-year-old daughter Saman in Novellara near Reggio Emilia in 2021 with other family members after she refused an arranged marriage, has become the first person to be extradited from Pakistan to Italy, Reggio Emilia prosecutor Gaetano Calogero Paci told a news conference on Friday.
"It is the first time an active extradition has been granted (from Pakistan)," Paci said.
"It had never happen.
"It also bodes well for a broader agreement (between Italy and Pakistan), which we know is in development, to create a more stable system of bilateral relations.
"There are 200,000 Pakistanis in Italy, according to census results. The presence of this nationality is particularly strong, not just in our province, but throughout the country".
Paci added that the Italian authorities would continue to press "in silence" for Saman's mother Nazia Shaheen, the only suspect still at large, to be arrested and extradited from Pakistan too.