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ActionAid slams 70% reduction in funds for GBV prevention

ActionAid slams 70% reduction in funds for GBV prevention

Launches Black FreeDay campaign in Rome

ROME, 13 November 2023, 14:54

Redazione ANSA




Charity ActionAid on Monday launched a campaign denouncing an alleged 70% reduction by the government in public spending on activities to prevent gender-based violence (GBV) between 2022 and 2023.
    "There is an incredible discount aimed at Italian women that beats all Black Friday offers. It is the one made by the current government on the funds for the prevention of gender-based violence over the past year: -70%," reads the Black FreeDay campaign supported by Italian actress and ActionAid ambassador Claudia Gerini.
    "From over 17 million euro in 2022 to the 5 million euro allocated for 2023," continued the charity.
    "But aiming for the bottom is not at all worthwhile when it comes to combating male violence against women," it said.
    In its campaign ActionAid calls on the government to take medium- and long-term action against the widespread sexism that is behind the gender-based violence reportedly experienced by one in three women in Italy.
    "Violence against women is a daily occurrence in Italy," said Gerini.
    "It manifests itself in many different ways, and devastates the lives of those who suffer it, without exception," she continued.
    "Intervening in support of these women is fundamental, but arriving afterwards is not enough. It is necessary to fight gender-based violence in all its forms, before it occurs. That is why reducing prevention is not acceptable," concluded Gerini.
    Nearly seven million women in Italy have experienced some form of physical violence during their lifetime, according to Istat data.
    More than two million have suffered stalking and "millions" are survivors of psychological or economic abuse, the statistics institute added.


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