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Justice has not been served on Rigopiano - victim's father

Justice has not been served on Rigopiano - victim's father

'Death of prevention in Italy, all avalanche warnings ignored'

ROME, 14 February 2024, 17:31

ANSA English Desk




(see related story) Justice has not been served on the January 2017 Rigopiano avalanche disaster, a victim's father said Wednesday after an appeal court revised an initial sentence to convict eight people - three more than in the original ruling - and acquit a further 22.
    "This sentence marks the death of prevention in Italy," said Egidio Bonifazi, the father of Emanuele, a 31-year-old receptionist at the Rigopiano hotel, adding that all the avalanche warnings had been ignored.
    "What's the point of doing prevention? he asked rhetorically.
    "I felt a lot of confusion. They have not done justice. I am very bitter because the main perpetrators have not been punished," dded Bonifazi added.
    "We expected more: the conviction of the Region and the Province," said Alessio Feniello, father of 28-year-old Stefano, another of the 29 people to die under the rubble of the hotel hit by an avalanche.
    "I don't think it's normal to convict a municipal technician and the former prefect for falsehood. Other people should have been convicted. Had they all been given life imprisonment today, it wouldn't have changed anything for me. I could look at the photo of my son and say I did my duty to give you justice," he added.


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