Deputy Premier and Transport Minister
Matteo Salvini has said the measures "in place this year with
the budget law will be confirmed and, depending on the resources
available, we will do even more", in an interview published by
'', ahead of a speech he is set to deliver on
Wednesday at the ongoing Rimini Meeting of 'Friendship among
Peoples' organized by Catholic activist group Comunione e
Liberazione (Communion and Liberation, CL).
He added that a tax wedge cut in the budget law "will be
reconfirmed also in 2025".
Salvini went on to say during the interview that "the left in
politics, in newsrooms and in courts must resign themselves to
the fact that the government will work together at least until
The transport minister also stressed that the government would
push forward plans to build a bridge between mainland Italy and
Sicily across the Strait of Messina.
"Important studies, including one by OpenEconomics, have
stressed the positive impact on GDP, with benefits on GDP of
over 23 billion that will have an effect on the whole country,
from North to South.
"Only in Italy the left opposes infrastructures and public works
awaited for decades, while the whole world is building bridges
to unite, work and reduce pollution", Salvini told
"I will proceed with determination", he said.
The project to build a bridge across the strait has been
considered by several past Italian governments but has never
taken off due to several factors, above all the cost.