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Grenfell victim's dad says now we can hope to get justice

Grenfell victim's dad says now we can hope to get justice

We can say for first time we're satisfied says Giannino Gottardi

ROME, 04 September 2024, 18:22

ANSA English Desk



The father of one of the two Italian victims of the Grenfell Tower Disaster that killed 72 people on June 14 2017 said the long-awaited report on the tragedy, out Wednesday, could finally help him get justice for his son and his son's partner.
    Giannino Gottardi, father of 28-year-old Veneto architect Marco who died in the fire caused by flammable cladding along with his girlfriend Gloria Trevisan, said the systemic government, local authority, construction multinational and fire brigade failures highlighted by Sir Martin Moore Bick's report would help "identify which among the 19 companies under investigation along with the 58 individuals should be indicted and what their charges should be".
    Gottardi, who leads the Fondazione Grenfellove Marco e Gloria, said "we're not interested in money: we want justice for our two young people and the other 70 victims.
    "From today the hope of getting it has significantly increased: we can say for the first time that we are satisfied".
    Wednesday's report blamed decades of government failures and the "systemic dishonesty of companies" for the disaster.



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