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Lady Gaga, Phoenix give Venice Film Fest star power

Lady Gaga, Phoenix give Venice Film Fest star power

Italy's Diva Futura by Steigerwalt in competition

ROME, 04 September 2024, 14:38

ANSA English Desk



Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix are lighting up the Venice Film Festival on Wednesday as a loved-up couple of villains in Joker: Folie à deux by Todd Phillips, sequel of the first Joker which won the fest's Golden Lion in 2019.
    The follow-up premiering Wednesday sees Arthur Fleck awaiting trial in Arkham for his crimes as Joker.
    Arthur needs to deal with his double identity when he falls deeply in love and discovers the music that has always beaten within his heart.
    Also premiering on Wednesday is Italy's fourth film of five in competition, Diva Futura (Future Diva) by Giulia Louise Steirgerwalt, a portrait of Riccardo Schicchi and the stars of his porn 'empire' between the 1980s and 90s.
    Jouer aves le Feu by Delphine and Muriel Coulin, also in competition, focuses on the conflict between father and son when the boy becomes a member of a group of violent far-right militants.


Not to be missed


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