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'No plot against Meloni' says Marina Berlusconi

'No plot against Meloni' says Marina Berlusconi

Media reports have 'no contact with reality'

ROME, 18 September 2024, 14:54

ANSA English Desk



Finivest and Mondadori President Marina Berlusconi, the eldest daughter of late premier and media billionaire Silvio Berlusconi, denied her family felt "disregard" towards Premier Giorgia Meloni or was "dissatisfied" with Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, leader of the Forza Italia (FI) party founded by her father, stating that "the exact contrary is true in both cases" in a letter to Rome daily La Repubblica published on Wednesday. "I know that stemming the tide of allegations and leaks is a very difficult practice, if not an impossible one, but I cannot continue to tolerate the alleged reports that have no contact whatsoever with reality", Berlusconi wrote in the letter.
    In the letter to the daily newspaper's editor-in-chief Maurizio Molinari, Berlusconi responded to a report published by Repubblica on Wednesday alleging Silvio Berlusconi's eldest children Marina and Piersilvio had a "difficult relationship" with Meloni and that their father's longtime aide Gianni Letta was helping Marina Berlusconi take steps to give Forza Italia a more relevant role in relation to Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) party.
    The article also mentioned a meeting between Berlusconi, Letta and former Italian premier and European central banker Mario Draghi last week.
    Berlusconi said Repubblica "goes as far as describing thoughts and projects I don't have and never had" in the article published Wednesday.
    It "deformed the object of meetings that are part my role and of work, turning them into absurd secret talks hiding sci-fi-style political plots", also wrote Berlusconi, .


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