Italian students ranked below the OECD
average for creative thinking, according to figures on Italy
included in the PISA 2022 Creative Thinking survey presented on
Tuesday at an Invalsi webinar.
The PISA assessment was originally published in June.
According to the survey, Italy on average scored 31 out of 60
points, below the OECD average of 33, over its students' ability
to generate diverse and original ideas and to evaluate and
improve them across a range of contexts.
The best overall results were obtained by Singapore while
Estonia was the winner in Europe, followed by Finland and
In Italy, 76% of students obtained a basic level of creative
thinking, in line with the OECD average, with lycées achieving
an average of 34 points compared to the 24 points of
professional institutes.
Students with good creative thinking overall excelled in math,
reading and science with math being the subject matter most
related to creativity in Italy,
In terms of gender difference, girls scored higher than boys
with an average difference of two points compared to an OECD
average of three.
Another issue analysed by the PISA survey was the socio-economic
condition of students with the most well-off obtaining on
average an additional 8.6 points compared to their disadvantaged