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FS reports 'umpteenth odd' rail incident to authorities

FS reports 'umpteenth odd' rail incident to authorities

League hails initiative to see whether disruption 'accidental'

ROME, 15 January 2025, 12:54

ANSA English Desk



The Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) rail group on Wednesday announced it had reported to the authorities what it described as the "umpteenth anomalous incident" in Italy's railway network and a "list of highly suspicious circumstances" following a string of disruptions to train travel over the past few months caused by malfunctions, accidents, construction work and strikes.
    "The FS Group, in light of the umpteenth anomalous accident on the network and a list of highly suspicious circumstances, has prepared a very detailed report it has delivered to the appropriate authorities denouncing" the circumstances, it said.
    "In particular, the hours during which some of the problems were reported (and it cannot be a coincidence that they are the most complicated for rail traffic, with a heavy impact on the whole network), the type of faults and their frequency pose more than a few questions", said FS.
    In the latest major incident in a long line of disruptions, damage to the Milan railway network's overhead electrical line early on Saturday morning, allegedly caused by a high-speed train departing from the northern city's central station, led to massive delays and cancellations with nationwide repercussions.
    Meanwhile Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo, the Lower House and Senate whips of the League party led by Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini, praised the initiative.
    "After Friday's strike flopped, the railway network's malfunctions were punctual and during the most problematic hours", said the League's whips, hailing FS's measure to "verify that everything was accidental".
    Molinari and Romeo also slammed in their statement the "Left of bad governments and NOs to all construction work, including in railways" and the "usual and unworthy profiteering".


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