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Fresco of Phrixus and Helle discovered at Pompeii

Fresco of Phrixus and Helle discovered at Pompeii

Artwork in excellent state says site Director Zuchtriegel

ROME, 01 March 2024, 15:38

ANSA English Desk



Archaeologists have uncovered another breathtaking treasure at the site of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, a fresco of the Greek mythological figures Phrixus and Helle at a domus near to the House of Leda and the Swan.
    "History has repeated itself," said Gabriel Zuchtriegel, the director of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, as he gave an update on excavation and restoration work.
    "It is a beautiful fresco in an excellent state of conservation.
    "The myth of Phrixus and Helle is widespread at Pompeii but it is topical too.
    "They are two refugees at sea, a brother and sister, forced to flee because their stepmother wants rid of them and she does so with deception and corruption.
    "She (Helle) fell into the water and drowned. In the fresco her face is covered by waves, she is about to drown and is reaching out with her hand to her brother.
    "It's a beautiful work for its colours, liveliness and execution.
    "We hope to make these two or three houses accessible (to the public) soon".


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