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Bottura, Romito voted best Italian chefs by Gambero Rosso

Bottura, Romito voted best Italian chefs by Gambero Rosso

47 eateries get top Three Forks, Vissani drops, north dominant

ROME, 16 October 2023, 14:54

Redazione ANSA




Modena superchef Massimo Bottura and Abruzzo chef Niko Romito came joint top in the 34th and latest rankings of Italy's best cooks and restaurants by the prestigious Gambero Rosso guide.
    Bottura, 61, runs the Osteria Francescana eatery in the historic centre of the Emilian city, twice voted world's best restaurant by The World's 50 Best Restaurants guide.
    Romito, 50, runs the Reale restuarnat at his native Castel di Sangro in Abruzzo.
    Rome's famed La Pergola chef Heinz Beck and Enrcio Crippa, who runs the Piazza Duomo eatery at Alba in Piedmont, came lose behind the top two, all with the prestigious three forks award, while veteran Umbrian chef Gianfranco Vissani, once considered the dean of Italian chefs, lost a fork and slippe dout of the top rankings.
    This year's guide gave three forks to 47 eateries across the Bel Paese, compared to 44 last year.
    There were seven new entries, five in the north and two in the south: Guido di Serralunga in Alba, l'Antica Corona Reale at Cervere, Del Cambio in Turin, l'Atelier Moessmer Norbert Niederkofler at Brunico, lHarry's Piccolo in Trieste; and in southern Italy Kresios at Telese Terme in Campania and the Pashà at Conversano in Puglia.
    Overall, northern Italy continued to dominate the standings.


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