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Argentina: Italian Cuisine Week in Bahia Blanca

Argentina: Italian Cuisine Week in Bahia Blanca

Ricco calendario di eventi organizzati dal consolato generale

08 November 2024, 18:54

ANSA English Desk



Italian Cuisine Week will be celebrated in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, with a week of gastronomic and cultural initiatives under the theme 'Mediterranean Diet and Roots Cuisine: Health and Tradition'.
    The event - which aims to disseminate the diversity and richness of Italian cuisine - will be hosted from 17 to 23 November. "During the week, diners will be able to enjoy a variety of typical Italian dishes in participating restaurants. It will be an excellent opportunity to explore the rich and varied Italian gastronomy and support local restaurants," the consulate general reports in a press note.
    "Italian cuisine is one of the most famous expressions of the Mediterranean diet, and represents a concrete and authentic example of Italian tradition. It encompasses a range of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions related to preserving, processing, cooking and especially sharing and consuming food. Eating together is the foundation of Italian cultural identity and the continuity of this tradition among Italian communities and descendants around the world. The Mediterranean diet has been Unesco's intangible cultural heritage since November 2010,' the statement continued.
    'Among the main links and connections of the Mediterranean diet and Italian cuisine are: the Common Origins, the Regional Variety, the Simplicity and Quality of Ingredients, the Balancing of Flavours, the Centrality of Cereals and Vegetables, the Consumption of Fish, the Importance of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the Art of Healthy Lifestyle and Sustainability,' it concludes.


Not to be missed


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