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Ministry to modify fertility campaign

Ministry to modify fertility campaign

Decision comes after campaign branded offensive

Rome, 01 September 2016, 19:38

ANSA Editorial




Italy's health minister said on Thursday that two promotional images for a campaign to raise awareness around fertility would be revised after they sparked a social media backlash from critics who branded them insulting and sexist.
    Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin told ANSA the images that would be changed included one showing a young woman holding an hourglass next to the words "Beauty has no age. Fertility does.", and another that reads "Get a move on! Do not wait for the stork".
    Critics from across the political spectrum have slammed the campaign as insensitive to the high unemployment and poverty levels many people in Italy are struggling with. Author Roberto Saviano criticised the campaign for failing to highlight those economic problems and the importance of finding the right partner to start a family with. Lorenzin said explanations for the images had not been added to the website publicising the "Fertility Day" initiative due on September 22. "We have 22 days to improve the quality of the campaign," she said.
    She has described the day as a chance to discuss issues such as safe sex and fertility treatment in Italy, which has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe.


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