Interior Minster Matteo Salvini said Friday that he has not decided whether his League party will run alone or allied with other groups in eventual early elections.
"Nothing has been decided about whether we'll run alone," he said.
"We have an idea about Italy over the next five years that we
will put to those who agree with it".
Speaking to reporters late on Thursday after he effectively
pulled the plug on his coalition government with the 5-Star
Movement (M5S), Salvini said that he would stand as premier
candidate and ask the Italian people to give him "full powers to
do what we have promised to do".
Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the right-wing Brothers of
Italy (FdI) party, on Friday called on Salvini to form an
alliance with her.
"We form alliances before the elections, not after, because
we want to be clear," Meloni told RAI radio.
"We are the most coherence party. We are concrete and
"I don't think Salvini will run alone.
"It wouldn't make much sense to have another government
formed with power games after the vote.
"It would be better to have an alliance that the Italian
people have been called for for months".
Meloni did not mention the other party that traditionally is
also part if the centre-right alliance in Italy, Silvio
Berlusconi's Forza Italia.