Russia's blockade of Ukrainian ports, which is stopping grain exports leaving the country, will cause food crises in many nations and the deaths of millions if it continues, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Wednesday.
"We await clear, concrete signals from Russia because blocking
grain exports means you re condemning millions of children,
women and men far from the conflict to death," Di Maio told a
press conference at the foreign ministry in Rome with United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Director General
Qu Dongyu.
"By using food like a weapon of war, Russia is staining itself
with other crimes, on top of the atrocities that it has already
committed on Ukrainian soil and that can be seen by everyone".
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Russian
counterpart Sergey Lavrov are having talks in Ankara on
Wednesday on the possible creation of safe corridors to allow
Ukrainian grain to pass through the Black Sea.