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Demurrals on competition law will not go unheeded - Meloni

Demurrals on competition law will not go unheeded - Meloni

'I will evaluate with other majority parties and ministers'

ROME, 04 January 2024, 12:47

Redazione ANSA




Observations from President Sergio Mattarella that accompanied his recent enactment of a competition law "will not go unheeded", Premier Giorgia Meloni said on Thursday.
    "I will make my evaluations together with the other majority parties and with the ministers," said Meloni in reply to a question during her end-of-year press conference.
    On Tuesday Mattarella promulgated the law on competition but accompanied it with demurrals asking the government to act to bring norms on street traders, whose contracts are almost automatically renewed every 12 years, into line with EU rules advocating greater competition for licenses.
    The head of State said that "further initiatives by the Government and Parliament are indispensable in the near future".
    Mattarella likened his action to what he had done with a law on beach concessions last year, when the government amended the measure after his criticism of the initial decree.
    The competition law is aimed at boosting competition in the Italian economy through a variety of measures.


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