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Defeated, will reflect on mistakes - Meloni-Tajani-Salvini

Defeated, will reflect on mistakes - Meloni-Tajani-Salvini

But coalition close to 50% despite narrow centre-left win

ROME, 27 February 2024, 14:27

ANSA English Desk




The leaders of Italy's ruling righting alliance, Premier Giorgia Meloni of the rightwing Borthers of Italy (FdI) party, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani of the centre-right post Berlusconi Forza Italia (FI) party, and Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini of the rightwing League party, on Tuesday said they had been defeated in Sardinian regional elections and would reflect on the mistakes they made in their campaign.
    "The data available on the vote in Sardinia deliver a victory by less than 3 thousand votes to the centre-left candidate Alessandra Todde over the centre-right candidate Paolo Truzzu", said in a joint note from the three party leaders.
    Even if the national coalition has not fallen, they said, it is "a defeat on which we will reason together to assess the possible errors committed.
    "We will continue to work learning from our defeats as from our victories'," they said after the fist regional reversal after five straight wins.
    They went on to say that the centre-right vote in Sardinia was not down.
    "We regret the fact that the excellent result of the centre-right coalition lists, which came close to 50% of the votes, did not also translate into a victory for the gubernatorial candidate", they said.
    "From these elections, therefore," they emphasised, "a drop in support for the centre right does not emerge in Sardinia."


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