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Segre suing Basile

Segre suing Basile

Over ex diplomat claim Shoah survivor only cares abt Jewish kids

ROME, 29 February 2024, 17:48

ANSA English Desk



Life Senator and Holocaust survivor Liliana Segre said Thursday she was suing ex diplomat Elena Basile over her assertion that the Shoah victim only cared about Jewish children in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    A lawyer for the 93-year-old Segre, Vincenzo Saponara filed Segre's lawsuit against Basile, who in a video on social media had accused the life senator of only being concerned about the lives of Jewish children after the October 7 Hamas attacks that killed 1,200 people including minors and the Israeli response that has so far killed, according to Hamas, over 30,000 people in Gaza including many children.
    In addition to criminal proceedings, Segre will also take legal action in civil court.
    For this reason, she has instructed another lawyer, Daniela De Pasquale, of the Ughi and Nunziante law firm in Milan, to take all the appropriate initiatives in civil court to have the allegedly defamatory messages removed and to obtain compensation for the damage caused, with compensation going to charity.
    In the video posted on February 6, Basile, 64, says Segre is "tormented only by the thought of Jewish children", adding "the Germans too were very nice to Nazi children, do you want to imitate them?" in response, Basile said that "I am sorry because the Senator with her name and determination could contribute to the common good and to opposing double standards.
    "Complaints and lawsuits fuel the climate of hatred and anti-Semitism", said the former diplomat.
    Basile, former ambassador to Belgium and Sweden, appears regularly on Italian TV where she is known for her controversial positions advocating the end of the Ukraine war without total victory for Kyiv.


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