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Bari probe threatens opposition unity drive

Bari probe threatens opposition unity drive

M5S leader Conte demands PD take back 'disloyal' allusion

ROME, 05 April 2024, 14:45

ANSA English Desk



Efforts for Italy's two main opposition groups, the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) and the populist 5-Star Movement (M5S), to form an alliance capable of taking on Premier Giorgia Meloni's centre-right coalition have hit rough waters because of a probe into alleged vote buying in the province of Bari.
    Ex-premier and M5S leader Giuseppe Conte on Thursday announced that the M5S would not take part in primaries to select the centre left's candidate for upcoming local elections in Bari after the PD's Anita Maurodinoia resigned as Puglia regional transport councillor after it emerged she was among the people under investigation.
    That sparked an angry reaction from the PD which escalated further with Conte's counter-reaction on Friday.
    "It will become increasingly difficult to work with the Democratic Party, if they don't withdraw the accusations of being disloyal," Conte told La7 television, saying he had spoken to PD leader Elly Schlein about the decision to withdraw from the primaries before announcing it.
    "We stand for legality.
    "If the Democratic Party is willing to embark on a new path, without throwing the whole past overboard, then fine.
    "Otherwise we'll take note of their position".
    Bari was already at the centre of political tension after the central government launched an inspection of the municipal administration for possible mafia infiltration.
    Bari Mayor Antonio Decaro, a PD member, says the move is linked to June's local elections in the city.


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