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Ready to change income-meter if necessary - Meloni

Ready to change income-meter if necessary - Meloni

No 'Big Brother' tax authorities under us says premier

ROME, 22 May 2024, 13:26

ANSA English Desk



Premier Giorgia Meloni said Wednesday that her government was ready to make any necessary changes to the so-called 'income-meter' (redditometro) after a decree brought back the controversial measure enabling the authorities to check people's spending to see if it is compatible with their declared incomes.
    The decree, which was signed by Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo of Meloni's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, reintroduces a measure brought in under ex-premier Matteo Renzi's centre-left government in 2015 and suspended in 2018.
    Leo stressed that the new measure was very different from the original 'income-meter', saying the decree put limits on the tax authorities' ability to dispute alleged incongruities between people's declared earnings and their expenditure on cars, homes, boats and travel etc.
    Nevertheless, the other two parties in Meloni's ruling coalition, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini's right-wing League and Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani's centre-right Forza Italia, both expressed unhappiness at the move.
    Meloni said that she would talk about the issue to Leo and had asked him to report to the cabinet on it.
    "If changes are necessary, I will be the first to ask for them," she said.
    "This government will never bring in a 'Big Brother' tax regime.
    "I have always been against invasive income-meter mechanisms being applied to ordinary people".
    While in opposition in 2019, Meloni had already railed against "this Big Brother measure snooping on Italian citizens' private lives".


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