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Legitimate to continue says Sardinia governor after ruling

Legitimate to continue says Sardinia governor after ruling

Court said Todde's election invalid over election-expenses case

ROME, 04 January 2025, 14:29

ANSA English Desk



Sardinia Governor Alessandra Todde said Saturday that she was legitimately continuing to do her job after the regional election commission of the court of appeal on Friday ruled that she should be disqualified from the Sardinia regional assembly.
    The case regards allegedly breaches of the rules on election expenses during Todde's successful campaign to take the helm of the region last February.
    If she loses her seat in the assembly, she will also lose her position as governor. The regional assembly itself will have the final word, although Todde has said she will also appeal against the ruling.
    "I am calmly at work, as you can see, after also a discussion with my coalition," said Todde, a member of the 5-Star Movement who was elected on a ticket supported by a broad alliance of centre-left parties.
    "An administrative act was issued by the Court of Appeal yesterday, it will follow its course and it will obviously be handled by my lawyers.
    "I reiterate my full confidence in the judiciary, my full confidence obviously in the actions that have been taken by the committee that represented me for the elections.
    "So what I can say is that I have total motivation and total legitimacy to continue working for the Sardinian people and that is what I will do".


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