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Orlandi family wants to Parolin (2)

Orlandi family wants to Parolin (2)

Lawyer says relative want to seek truth together

Rome, 18 September 2017, 18:07

Redazione ANSA




Emanuela Orlandi's family wants to meet Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin following reports the Vatican spend large sums of money in relation to the teenager who disappeared over 30 years ago, the family's lawyer said Monday. Lawyer Laura Sgrò told ANSA that the family wants to meet "the Secretary of State with serenity, not (to fight) against (them), but to try to seek the truth together. "Pope Francis always says that the truth is not negotiable, we'd like to seek it together," Sgrò added.
    "We don't know if it's true or false. Either way, we consider it serious. That's why we renew our request for dialogue". Vatican Spokesman Greg Burke on Monday described the reports as "false and ridiculous". In an article published by La Repubblica on Monday, Italian investigative reporter Emiliano Fittipaldi writes about a leaked document that allegedly shows the Vatican spent over 483 million lira, around 250,000 euros, on the case between 1983 and 1997.
    Orlandi disappeared in June 1983. In the piece, Fittipaldi reports the money was spent on a pension and medical expenses in London. Fittipaldi has written books in the past with revelations linked to the two VatiLeaks scandals featuring embarrassing leaks of confidential documents.


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