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COP28 must give clear response on climate - Parolin

COP28 must give clear response on climate - Parolin

'People least responsible are the most affected'

ROME, 01 December 2023, 16:39

Redazione ANSA




The United Nations Climate Change Conference underway in Dubai is called upon to give a clear response from the political community to confront the climate crisis with determination in the urgent timeframe indicated by science, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin said in an interview to Vatican media on Friday.
    "The Pope has at heart the awareness of the need to act for the care of the common home, the urgency of courageous positions, and a new impetus towards local and international policies so that humanity is not threatened by partisan, short-sighted, or predatory interests," said Parolin, who will represent Pope Francis at COP28 and deliver his speech on Saturday.
    "Not only do scientific studies highlight the serious impacts of climate change produced by anthropogenic behaviour, but it is now a daily occurrence to witness extreme natural phenomena around the world, which severely affect the quality of life of a large part of the human population, and, in particular, the component most vulnerable to the climate crisis that has been the least responsible in provoking it," he continued.
    Parolin voiced the hope that COP28 might give "clear indications" to encourage the acceleration of energy transition and a "greater commitment to education for integral ecology".
    "Indeed, economic and technical means to counter the climate crisis are necessary but not sufficient; it is essential that they be accompanied by an educational process that influences changes in lifestyles and means of production and consumption, aimed at promoting a renewed model of integral human development and sustainability based on care, fraternity, cooperation between human beings and the strengthening of the alliance between human beings and the environment," said the cardinal.


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