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Pope bemoans 'ignoble humanitarian situation in Gaza'

Pope bemoans 'ignoble humanitarian situation in Gaza'

Francis sees threat of world war 'ever more concrete'

ROME, 09 January 2025, 11:57

ANSA English Desk



Pope Francis on Thursday bemoaned the "ignoble humanitarian situation" in Gaza and said he saw the risk of a world war rising in an New Year audience with the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See.
    "I renew my call for a ceasefire and for the release of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, where there is a very serious, ignoble humanitarian situation, and I call for the Palestinian population to receive all the necessary aid," the pope said in an address read out by an aide.
    "My hope is that Israelis and Palestinians can rebuild the bridges of dialogue and mutual trust, starting with the youngest, so that the coming generations may live side by side in the two States, in peace and security, and so that Jerusalem may be the 'city of encounter', where Christians, Jews and Muslims live together in harmony and respect".
    He said that the job of "diplomacy is to foster dialogue with all, faced with the ever more concrete threat of a world war".
    The Argentine pontiff said this dialogue should include "interlocutors considered most 'inconvenient".
    "This is the only way to break the chains of hatred and revenge that imprison and to defuse the devices of human selfishness, pride and pride, which are the root of every belligerent will," he continued.


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