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Italy's journey towards Expo 2025 Osaka begins

Italy's journey towards Expo 2025 Osaka begins

Notification of pre-information for pavilion tender published

ROME, 21 February 2023, 13:11

Redazione ANSA




Italy's journey towards Expo 2025 Osaka has begun with the publication of notification of the pre-information for the design-build tender for the Italian pavilion.
    The next Universal Exposition will open on April 13, 2025, in Osaka, in the Japanese region of Kansai, under the theme "Designing Future Society for Our Lives".
    The aim is to create a space where the world's knowledge will be brought together and shared to help solve global problems.
    Up to now 80 countries have confirmed that they will take part in Expo 2025, including Italy, whose pavilion will be situated in the 'Saving Life' district and will have a surface area of 3,626 square metres.
    According to a statement, it will have 'Art Regenerates Life' as its slogan.
    It has a prime position in the Green World, in the area of the West entrance.
    It is an open space rich in greenery where no other structures will equal our pavilion in terms of height and surface area.
    The procedure for the tender for the construction of the Italy Pavilion, to be presented by Invitalia - as the commissioning body of the Commission for the Italian Participation at Expo 2025 Osaka - and compiled with the support of the State Attorney's office, will be published around the end of March following the approval of anti-corruption agency ANAC.
    The Commission has signed an oversight cooperation protocol with ANAC.
    The call for tenders will regard an international contract with an estimated budget of 16 million euros, with the contractor tasked with designing and building the Italy Pavilion on the basis of project guidelines drafted by he Commission.
    Specifically, the contract will feature the creation and development of the exhibition concept and structure, the production of the 'general design' (first-level design) and of the 'final design' (second and final-level design), as well as construction and ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, with an option for the dismantlement too.
    The contract is expected to be awarded by the end of June 2023.
    The technical specifications for the design and construction will incorporate the provisions set out by the Expo Organizer and the BIE in specific guidelines, as well as the applicable local laws and regulations.
    A key factor will be the Italian capacity to combine skills, talents and cultures as it is a great chance to boost Italy's appeal in a crucial geographic area like Asia.


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