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Scenario likely to become more complicated - Chief of Staff

Scenario likely to become more complicated - Chief of Staff

Commitment to stability set to increase says Cavo Dragone

ROME, 26 March 2024, 14:50

ANSA English Desk



The global scenario is likely to become even more complicated following last Friday's Moscow concert hall terror attack with unpredictable consequences, Italy's Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, said on Tuesday.
    "Terrorism has also reared its head in recent days with the cowardly attack in Moscow against defenceless people," Cavo Dragone told an informal hearing before the joint Defence and Foreign Affairs Committees of the Lower House and Senate.
    "Terror must always be condemned under all circumstances," he continued of the attack that left 137 people dead and at least 180 more injured.
    "The global scenario, already largely compromised, risks becoming even more complicated with unpredictable consequences in the various strategic quadrants," added Cavo Dragone.
    "Our commitment to international stability, therefore, is bound to increase. A healthy exercise in realism must lead us to consider NATO as the only true shield we have to defend freedom and democracy," concluded the chief of staff.
    Russia said Tuesday through the head of the internal security services (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov that it will respond with retaliatory measures to Friday's attack, which it has linked to Ukraine.
    Kyiv has described the claims as absurd.


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