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Meloni not excluded, Rome must be represented' says Rutte

Meloni not excluded, Rome must be represented' says Rutte

But majority members have ruled out ECR being part of it

ROME, 27 June 2024, 15:42

ANSA English Desk



Premier Giorgia Meloni has not been excluded from EU talks on top jobs and ruling coalitions and Italy must be well represented on the new European Commission, Dutch Prime Minister and newly nominated NATO chief Mark Rutte said Thursday.
    Meloni "is not excluded" from the EU appointments and "we must ensure that Italy feels well represented in the new European Commission and beyond", Rutte said on the sidelines of the European Council.
    "Once every five years the leaders of the Twenty-Seven represent mainly political parties, while during the five years we represent our countries," Rutte explained, stressing that Meloni's European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) grouping "was not involved in this negotiation because many in the 'majority' coalition of popular, liberal and socialists think that the Conservatives cannot be part of it." Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, one of the EPP negotiators on top jobs, said he had spoken with Meloni and that there was no desire to exclude her, for whom he had the utmost respect.
    "Three political families discussed among themselves and made a proposal, in the end it is up to the European Council to make the decision," he said.
    "It is not a process to exclude, it was never our intention to exclude anyone or offend anyone.
    "I personally have a lot of respect for Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister.
    "Italy is a very important country in the EU and I am sure we will address all these problems and concerns in the discussions we will have".


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